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Saint Soldier International School, Chandigarh

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The school celebrated International Yoga Day. The event began with a speech by school yoga instructor Rajveer Kaur, setting a positive tone for the day’s activities. Students, along with some teachers and parents, participated demonstrating their commitment to health and wellness. The celebration started with the recitation of the ‘Gayatri Mantra. A comprehensive warm-up session followed, preparing participants for various yoga postures such as surya namaskar, tadasana, vrikshasana, trikonasana, paschimottanasana, ustrasana, vakrasana and padmasana. The session then transitioned into pranayama, focusing on deep breathing exercises like anulom-vilom, bhramari pranayama and kapal bhati. The event concluded with meditation and ‘Om’ chanting, promoting mental peace and clarity. The soothing chants resonated throughout the venue, leaving a lasting impact on all participants. After the refreshing yoga session, refreshments were provided, allowing everyone to relax and reflect on the experience.

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