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How to write a news report?

If you have a nose for news, writing a report is a simple task. A report is a fact of a story that is currently happening or that just happened. Writing a news report is easy if you report on...
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If you have a nose for news, writing a report is a simple task. A report is a fact of a story that is currently happening or that just happened. Writing a news report is easy if you report on the subject clearly and write in a style that is clear, concise, and active. One should gather answers to the 5 W’s and H questions while writing about an event or something that happened.

Collecting information


Remember, the purpose of a news report is to help readers get a true information about the event. Before you write your report, you should have as many facts as you can gather.

Starting the report

For a news report, the most important information comes first and each paragraph gives less and less details. This style of writing is called ‘The Inverted Pyramid’. It refers to ‘front loading’ of a news report article so that a reader receives the most important information first, or on top. The report then proceeds with explanatory and supporting details in the order of most to least important.


Make sure report answers 5Ws, 1H

You will also need to find out:

What? The specific event that took place.

Who? The people involved.

Where? Places.

When? Date and time.

Why? Reasons for the event taking place.

How? Connecting the facts.

Once you have all your facts, you can begin to write your report.

Don’t make it too long

Sentences should be short and punchy. This is a good opportunity for you to practice changing vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to enhance effects and clarify meaning.

Check facts

A news report is characterised by its use of facts, this is what differentiates it from an opinion piece. It is essential to use reliable sources of information and double-check your facts.

Finally, think of a good headline

A headline should be short and grab the attention of readers making them read more.

Inputs by Silky Bajaj

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