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Punjab Congress leaders told to raise issues only on party platform

Dismal performance by party in Malwa

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Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, June 20

Amid the voice of dissent in the Punjab Congress over dismal performance of the party in the Malwa region, the party’s top brass has warned state leaders not to wash their dirty linen in the public.

For the last few days, senior party leaders have been asking for introspection and fair analysis of the party’s performance in the recently held parliamentary elections that saw the party winning seven of the 13 seats. The leaders have been vocal on the issue at public forums.

Sources in the party said Punjab affairs in-charge Devendra Yadav had been updated on the issue and the leaders had been asked to raise the matter on the party platform. In the past too, the leaders have been told to adopt discipline and iron out their differences on the party platform. It is learnt that some state leaders are approaching the party high command with their grievances on the issue.

PCC chief Amrinder Singh Raja Warring said by winning seven seats, the party was on a revival mode. “Instead of comparing with the 2019 poll when the Congress was in power, the comparison should be done with the 2022 Assembly poll. The vote share has gone up from 23 per cent to 26 per cent. The Congress is the principal opposition party in Punjab and AAP is in the government”, he said, adding that the Congress had emerged as an alternative to the BJP that resorted to polarisation of votes.

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