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Make our report public: Member of SC-instituted panel on farm laws

‘Farmers also need to exhibit flexibility on the issue and not stick to the demand of repeal of three laws; a rigid position of repeal will yield no solution’

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Tribune News Service

New Delhi, September 7

As farmers regroup to intensify their protests against agricultural reform laws, Anil Ghanwat, a member of the Supreme Court instituted committee on the subject on Tuesday wrote to Chief Justice of India NV Ramana to make the panel report public.

“It has been five months since the panel submitted its report in March. The report has neither been made public nor any deliberation held on it. As a farmer myself I am pained that the matter has not been resolved. The committee report should be put in public domain to enable a debate on the issue. It should not be put in cold storage. We had taken into account the suggestions of a range of stakeholders and the report could serve as a basis to resolve the ongoing impasse,” Ghanwat said.

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He noted that the farmers also need to exhibit flexibility on the issue and not stick to the demand of repeal of three laws. A rigid position of repeal will yield no solution, Ghanwat said, urging the SC to use the recommendations in the report and forward them to the government for action.

Ghanwat added that the system that has existed for decades is flawed which is why farmers are committing suicides.

“Some measure of reform in the sector is critical. Our appeal to the Chief Justice is to initiate a public debate on the committee report which can help resolve issues,” said Ghanwat. Farm union representatives had not deposed before the panel the SC had formed in January at the height of farmers’ agitation.

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