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Creativity for a cause

Director Vivek Agnihotri to sell paintings to help daily wage workers

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As coronavirus continues to spread globally, celebrities are doing their part by spreading awareness. Amid the pandemic, stars have been using their platforms to share videos of themselves washing their hands or advising fans to stay home and practice social distancing. In the midst of this, director Vivek Agnihotri is putting his creative skills to good use. Vivek, who directed The Tashkent Files last year, has taken up painting to raise money for daily-wage workers.

The filmmaker shared, “There are a lot of people in the industry whose livelihood has been affected. I will sell these paintings for them. He has tied up with the federations for junior actors, the art department, stuntmen, and other technicians and is trying to raise funds for them too through his contacts with NGOs. “I can only help in my limited way, but hopefully, it will encourage others to come forward. I don’t know how long this lock-down will continue, so it’s best to keep working on my art. It’s important to be positive and put creativity to good use,” says Vivek.

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