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India treading the Middle Path

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Refer to ‘Why Moscow matters to Modi’ (The Great Game); the piece has aptly captured India’s delicate balancing act between major global powers. PM Narendra Modi’s upcoming visit to Moscow amid the Ukraine conflict exemplifies New Delhi’s pragmatic foreign policy. Despite increased trade with Russia, primarily driven by discounted oil imports, India remains committed to its strategic partnership with the US, which is crucial for technology transfer and investment. Modi’s one-day trip to Russia reaffirms our ties with Moscow while minimising the strain on our relations with Washington, reflecting India’s non-aligned stance and strategic autonomy. By engaging with major powers and treading the Middle Path, India can secure a brighter and more prosperous future for its citizens.

Chanchal S Mann, Una

Modi’s Russia visit an opportunity

As PM Narendra Modi prepares to visit Moscow, the world watches with bated breath. With the Ukraine war unlikely to end anytime soon, India’s neutral stance on the conflict remains a beacon of hope. Moscow, once a city in chaos, now shines with resilience and unity. The war may have affected local residents, but Russia’s determination to assert itself as a big power is evident. India must continue to straddle the Middle Path, listening to all, be it Biden, Trump or Putin. By doing so, it can leverage the strength of its ties with other nations. New Delhi must not be swayed by the whims of other global powers but instead forge its own path, keeping our national interests in mind. Modi’s visit to Moscow should be embraced as an opportunity to strengthen India-Russia ties and foster peace in a world torn apart by conflict.

Gurdev Singh, by mail

Biden must step aside

Refer to the editorial ‘Biden stumbles’; a section of the mainstream American media is calling upon the President to pull out of the race following his dismal performance in the debate with his predecessor, Donald Trump. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s poor showing in the debate has renewed concerns about his advanced age. Biden has himself conceded that old age has robbed him of the vigour that he once had. It is time for him to step aside and let some other Democrat take on Trump, who still has massive sway over much of the American electorate, in the elections. 

PR Ravinder, Hyderabad

Let Kamala take over

Apropos of the report ‘Biden acknowledges age, debate debacle, but vows to beat Trump’; it would be unwise of the Democrats to field Joe Biden as their presidential nominee. The 81-year-old’s feeble performance in the debate is being read as a prologue to what is to come in the months leading up to the November 5 elections. His verbal stumbles during the debate and his failure to counter Trump’s assertions have understandably set off alarm bells in Democratic circles. Besides, his son Hunter Biden’s alleged involvement in illicit activities has deeply dented the image of the President, with just months left for the polls. Vice-President Kamala Harris, who is younger and more energetic, should be picked as the Democratic candidate for the Oval Office.

Vijaya Sharma, by mail

Policymakers need to buckle up

With reference to the editorial ‘Biden stumbles’; the incumbent’s shaky performance in the presidential debate has cast a shadow over his campaign. He stuttered and lost his train of thought, accentuating concerns about his age and raising questions about his ability to run the country for four more years. Another contrast that came to the fore during the debate was how Biden and Trump have starkly different views on matters of foreign policy. While Biden believes in taking the rest of the world along, Trump feels that Washington should take more unilateral decisions in the interest of the US. Policymakers should be prepared for any eventuality.

Anmoldeep Singh, Rupnagar

Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to: Letters@tribunemail.com

#Narendra Modi #Russia #Ukraine

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