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Health Director inspects Amarnath Yatra base camp hospitals at Chandanwari, Sheshnag

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Our Correspondent

Jammu, June 24

Director Health Services Kashmir (DHSK) Dr Mushtaq Ahmad Rather conducted an extensive tour from Chandanwari Base Camp Hospital to Sheshnag Base Camp Hospital.

During the tour, the DHSK inspected health care facilities established along Pahalgam axis in view of upcoming Amarnath Yatra. During the tour, he held detailed review of health facilities in terms of availability of staff, infrastructure, drugs, equipment and other logistics required for smooth functioning of healthcare services.

In addition to this, he took review of transit and static oxygen booth sites and gave directions regarding strengthening of medical facilities along the new route from Chandanwari to Pissu top. Space for additional oxygen booths was also outlined by the Director during the tour.

The Director highlighted that a predefined checklist tool has been devised by the Directorate to check status of target achievement as per the mandate of healthcare facilities en-route.

#Amarnath Yatra #Hindus #Jammu #Kashmir

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