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Cloudburst triggers landslides, flood-like situation in Arunachal Pradesh’s Itanagar

Heavy rain inundates homes near Energy Park and Bank Tinali areas

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Itanagar, June 23

A cloudburst on Sunday morning triggered multiple landslides and caused flooding in Itanagar, officials said.

Despite heavy rains in Arunachal Pradesh over recent weeks, the weather had improved in the past two days with no forecast of rain, they added.

The cloudburst occurred around 10:30 am, leading to landslides in various parts of Itanagar and adjacent areas. The NH-415, crucial for the state capital’s connectivity, experienced flood-like conditions, stranding numerous vehicles, an official from the Disaster Management Department said.

Heavy rains inundated homes near Energy Park and Bank Tinali areas. The district administration advised people against approaching rivers or landslide-prone zones, encouraging them to relocate to safer areas due to ongoing heavy rain.

Dani Salu, secretary of the State’s Disaster Management Department, told PTI that several roads within Itanagar suffered damage. Portions of the NH-415 were submerged, severely disrupting traffic. No casualties have been reported so far, though the extent of property damage will only be assessed after field evaluations by departmental officials, he added.

Salu urged residents to remain vigilant during the monsoon period.

Rescue and relief operations were underway with the involvement of district administration officials, led by Deputy Commissioner Shweta Nagarkoti Mehta, Itanagar Municipal Corporation commissioner, State Disaster Response Force, and police personnel. Seven relief camps were set up by the district administration to assist affected people, officials said.

#Arunachal Pradesh

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