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8 IIT-B students fined Rs 1.2 lakh over Ramayana parody

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Mumbai, June 20

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, has imposed a fine of up to Rs 1.2 lakh on eight students, who performed a play that allegedly mocked Lord Rama and portrayed the ‘Ramayana’ in a bad light, a fellow student said on Thursday.

The students had presented the play named ‘Raahovan’ on March 31 this year, as part of the Performing Arts Festival.

“The play that was presented mocked Lord Rama and portrayed the ‘Ramayana’ in a vulgar and derogatory manner,” said a Masters student at the institute. The student, who declined to be named, is one of those who lodged a complaint against the play with the administration. The IIT-Bombay has declined to comment on the issue.


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