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Shimla: Water wastage at The Mall

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DESPITE the town facing an acute shortage of drinking water these days, water can be seen being wasted at the Mall in the very heart of the town. This brazen waste of water at such a pivotal part of the town is a matter of concern. Recently, water was seen gushing out of a broken pipeline there. The authorities concerned are requested to take stock of this issue as soon as possible and ensure that the water is not wasted. Pradeep, Shimla

Low station platform a trouble for the elderly

THE platforms at the Panchrukhi railway station are very low, which is a huge problem for people, especially children and the elderly. People here have to jump on to trains from low the platforms while boarding. Due to this, senior citizens and differently abled persons face difficulties in boarding trains. The railway authorities are requested to raise the height of the platforms for the convenience of senior citizens and specially abled persons. Tarun Sharma, Panchrukhi

Theog sans water for days

WATER has not been supplied in some areas of Theog for the past few days. Due to this, area residents are facing a lot of inconvenience in carrying out their daily routine and are forced to fetch water from springs and handpumps. However, these sources are not sufficient to meet their demand. We request the authorities concerned to ensure regular water supply. Sarita, Theog

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