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Water logged in drain

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WATER has been logged in a drain near a police check-post here. To make matters worse, wrappers of various edible items have been thrown in it and have not been cleared for a long time. It’s located in the core area of the state’s capital, and this does not give a good impression of the town to the visitors. The municipal corporation is requested to ensure that the drain is cleaned.

Sangeeta, Shimla

Long traffic snarls near construction site

TRAFFIC jams near the under-construction parking lots in Vikas Nagar are getting longer and more frequent by the day. As the road near the site of construction has become narrow, long queues of vehicles can be seen on either side of the stretch of the road throughout the day. At least two policemen should be deployed at the site to ensure minimal inconvenience to the commuters. Aman, Shimla

Construction close to state highway

THE state highway leading to Andretta, the famous art village, from Palampur is full of roadside constructions. People here do not follow the general rule of not constructing buildings within 25 feet of the edge of state highways. This increase in constructions will leave no scope of widening the road in the future.

Naresh, Panchrukhi

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