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Untarred road irks commuters

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A patch of the Chhota Shimla-Brockhurst link road needs to be tarred. Since it is not tarred, people face a lot of inconvenience while driving on this road. Residents have been awaiting the tarring work of this road for a long time. The authorities are requested to repair this road as soon as possible for the convenience of the locals. Vijay, Shimla

Erratic water supply in Vikasnagar

WATER was supplied for only a few minutes in the Vikasnagar area on Wednesday night, making a mockery of the water distribution ‘plans’ of the city. People here had been desperately awaiting water supply as water was not supplied here for the past four days. We request the authorities concerned to kindly supply water as per the schedule.

Namrita, Shimla

Thefts rampant, Nerwa residents worried

A gang of thieves is active in the Nerwa area of Shimla district. These thieves have been stealing aluminium and copper from transformers. As a result, area residents have been facing power cuts. The increasing number of reports of theft has left locals worried for their safety. The police are requested to take action and catch these thieves at the earliest.

Mandeep, Nerwa (Shimla)

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