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Machine stationed across road at Lakkar Bazaar

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A huge machine was stationed right across the road at Lakkar Bazaar on Wednesday, and people — including schoolchildren and the elderly — had to squeeze through a narrow passage to pass through the area. Such machines should be put to use on weekends or holidays, when fewer people walk through the area. Lalit, Shimla

Potholed road to dharech troubling commuters

the road from Fagu to Dharech in Shimla district is full of potholes. Motorists, especially those on two-wheelers, face a lot of trouble while driving on this narrow road. The authorities concerned should look into the matter and take remedial steps at the earliest.

Pawan, Cheog

Regulate prices in fruit mandis

the pricing system in the fruit mandis is quite misleading. The arhtiyas often quote high rates to show that there is great demand for the products. But the reality is that only a handful of boxes of premium quality fruit are picked up at high prices while the remaining are sold at much lesser rates. A mechanism that gives the real picture of the prevailing rates should be put in place. Rajesh, Theog

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