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Haryana tourist swept away in Parbati river in Manikaran valley while clicking photo

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Our Correspondent

Kullu, June 27

A woman tourist from Haryana was swept away in Parbati river, near Katagla village, in Manikaran valley yesterday. Kavita (31), who hailed from Jhajjar, slipped into the river while clicking photographs, the police said. Her husband Ajay Nivaran cried for help, but Kavita was swept away by gushing waters in no time. Her body was found by the rescue team near Suma Ropa today.

The water level of the rivers and rivulets of the region increases in evening due to melting of snow at the higher reaches during the day. A little carelessness on the banks of the water bodies can prove fatal.

The body of the deceased woman was recovered during the rescue operation near Suma Ropa, about four kilometres from the spot where she fell, police said.

The deceased’s husband identified her body.

This is the third incident of tourists being drowned while clicking photographs in Kullu district in the past one month.

Earlier on June 3, two women tourists were drowned in the Beas near Manali as they slipped into the river while taking photographs.

#Jhajjar #Kullu

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