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Celebs share tips to stay healthy and in shape

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Muskan Verma

Physical fitness is crucial. A healthy body reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Fitness can range from a variety of activities, from weight training to yoga to weightlifting to even dancing. One must engage in moderate intensity physical activity for at least 150 minutes per week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are key components that help achieve physical fitness.

Three tips
Mohit Malhotra

Mohit Malhotra

Three tips I would give are to work-out every day, or, if you cannot, at least go for a run. Eat healthy and in moderation. Going to sleep on time is one of the key components of fitness. I try to go to sleep by 10:30–11 pm if I’m not shooting late.

Avoid junk food
Mridul Kumar

Mridul Kumar

Whenever I get time, I go to the gym or for a run. Taking care of your health is extremely important. I do yoga sometimes to be mentally fit, and also make sure to eat on time and avoid junk food. To stay healthy, avoid eating late at night, and stay away from smoking and drinking.

Love your body
Charrul Malik

charrul malik

Fitness is not about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than what you used to be. I don’t work-out because I hate my body; I workout because I love my body. For me, fitness is like eating food and drinking water every day. It’s like breathing. It is like thinking positively. My advice would be to take your journey of fitness step-by-step, indulge in fitness activities you enjoy doing and make you happy. Also, be consistent.

Exercise routine
Madirakshi Mundle

Madirakshi Mundle

Shoot schedules can get really crazy sometimes and you need health reserves to get through them, which are linked to your fitness routine. But fitness alone is not enough without proper food intake. I make it a point to eat soaked and skinned almonds every day. Meditate if you find the time. Take out time to exercise. Since fitness of mind and body is important, see if you can squeeze in some time for reading in your schedule.

Be consistent
Deepika Motwani

Deepika Motwani

Yoga and meditation bring calmness, while strength training empowers me. Nutritious, freshly cooked home food fuels my body. Walking barefoot in nature and soaking in the sunshine invigorates my senses. I am dedicated to nurturing my body, mind and spirit, as I believe that true well-being arises from the integration of these elements. Listen to your body. Eat only when hungry, and eat fresh stuff. Follow a fitness protocol suited to you. Be consitent with your routine.

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