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Biden stumbles

Debate performance amplifies age concerns

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JOE Biden is 81, his challenger Donald Trump 78. In the first debate between the US presidential candidates, the age gap seemed much larger. The most important job for President Biden was to put to rest concerns about his biggest vulnerability — his fitness for office, given his age. He failed, and badly at that. Trump pressed his case for a second term with limited resistance as Biden meandered and mumbled through answers. For someone who regularly attacks Biden on his age, Trump was restrained, as if allowing own goals. At one point, after Biden trailed off while defending his record on border security, Trump said, ‘I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said, either.’ The debate was a setback for the Democrats, who expected Biden to turn the election into a referendum on Trump, reminding voters of the chaotic nature of the latter’s presidency.

It was the first time a sitting US President and his predecessor had debated. Analysts were quick to point out the contrast from their meeting four years ago. At that time, Biden had put Trump’s record under the microscope and offered a hopeful vision for the country. This time round, he was largely unable to corner the Republican challenger on his repeated assertions that weren’t supported by facts. The President’s dismal show is sure to lead to a blame game within the party over whether handing him a second nomination with only nominal opposition was the right move. Some may be thinking about how they still could put up a different nominee.

The Biden campaign has two months to calm the waters before the second debate in September. For now, more people will be talking about Biden’s performance in the debate than Trump’s as President.

#Donald Trump #Joe Biden #United States of America USA

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