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Two boys drown in rainwater-filled ditch in northeast Delhi

The boys went to play in the ditch (5-ft-deep) and drowned as they went into the deep waters

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New Delhi, June 28 

Two boys aged 8 and 10 years drowned while playing in a rainwater-filled ditch in northeast Delhi on Friday evening, police said. 

According to police, the incident took place in a 5-ft-deep ditch near Pusta Number Five in the New Usmanpur area that got filled with water due to heavy rainfall. 

The boys went to play in the ditch and drowned as they went into the deep waters, police said. 

Upon receiving information, the police reached the spot and rescued the boys. They rushed them to a hospital where they were declared brought dead, they said. 

The bodies were sent for the postmortem examination and further investigation is underway, added the police. 

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