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Noida cops arrest 8 with over Rs 2 crore

Hawala business suspected, say police

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Noida, November 11

The Noida Police arrested eight persons after Rs 2 crore was recovered from a car in Sector 58 on Thursday evening.

The cash is suspected to be for hawala business, said the police.

The arrested persons have been identified as Jayanti Bhai from Ahmedabad, Sandip Sharma from Delhi, Vinay Kumar from Delhi, Abhijeet Hazra from North West Bengal, Rohit Jain from Noida, Vipul from Delhi, Minesh Shah from Mumbai and Anuj from Indore.

Soon after the recovery by the police, officials of the Income Tax Department reached the spot.

“It is expected that Rs 2 crore was being taken for the hawala network. The interrogation of the detainees is going on,” said the police.

“The Sector 58 Police Station got information that some people doing hawala business were coming to do a deal in Sector 55, with a lot of cash. The police team from Sector 55 took quick action on the information and arrested the eight accused,” said the police.

The counting of the seized cash will be done by the Income Tax Department after inquiry.

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