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Now, book CTU bus ticket online

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Tribune News Service

Chandigarh. January 27

The Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) has started online booking and information services.

The services, ‘Online Bus Reservation Monitoring System (OBRMS)’, mobile applications ‘CTU Musafir’ and ‘CTU Conductor’, were launched by UT Transport Secretary Dr Ajay Kumar Singla today. The CTU operates 167 interstate buses on 51 routes in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and the National Capital Region besides the UT of Jammu and Kashmir.

To start with, the OBRMS has been launched for long-route buses. The tickets can be booked on a web portal, http://ctuonline.chd.gov.in, and through “CTU Musafir App”. The online tickets can be booked from the trip originating station to the end station, with no reservation charges, through the SBI MOPS payment gateway integrated in the system.

The tickets can be booked 10 days in advance and an hour before the scheduled departure. Travellers will also be able to “Track the Bus”, give their feedback and register grievance.

The OBRMS application and the Android-based applications have been developed by the National Informatics Centre.

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