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Mixed response to Chandigarh decision on opening shops 24x7

Congress, AAP, residents’ welfare associations oppose the decision; Chandigarh Beopar Mandal welcomes it

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Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, June 27

The decision of the UT Administration to allow shops to now remain open 24x7 on all days has received mixed response from city residents and stakeholders.

Opposing the decision, Chandigarh Congress general secretary Yadvinder Mehta said the decision to keep shops open round-the-clock without asking elected representatives and shopkeepers was an attempt to weaken the democratic process in the city. The decision was highly condemnable as elected representatives such as MP, Mayor, councillors and market associations were not consulted before implementing it.

“It is not only difficult, but impossible to open all shops at night. Is it safe to open the bullion market at night? Opening of shops of clothes, paint, hardware, tailors, mobile phones, utensils, toys shops, watches, gifts, cosmetics, furniture, salons, etc. at night will adversely affect the eco-system of the city,” he added.

The decision is condemnable as MP, Mayor, councillors and market associations were not consulted before implementing it. —Yadvinder Mehta, City Cong General Secy

The notification is baseless, impractical and detrimental to the interests of traders and local residents. There are many shortcomings in this plan. —Premlata, AAP councillor

I feel the UT Administration should have taken the decision after discussions with the bepoar mandal, councillors and residents. —Sanjeev Rana, BJP’s media coordinator

Our city won’t benefit with this decision. It will lead to security problem for shopkeepers and increase financial burden on small traders. —Hitesh Puri, Chairman, Crawfed

“If more jobs are created, than on the other hand expenses of shopkeepers will increase manifold. Demand for night cleaning, double security, electricity and water consumption will also be doubled,” he said. The administration should withdraw this decision at the earliest and move forward only after having serious deliberations on the issue, Mehta added.

Expressing similar sentiments, Hitesh Puri, chairman, Chandigarh Residents’ Associations Welfare Federation (Crawfed), stated that the federation did not appreciate the decision to allow shops to remain open 24X7 in Chandigarh. “Our city won’t be benefited with this decision in any way, rather it will lead to security problem of shopkeepers, will increase the financial burden on small traders and will also put extra burden on the MC with regard to use of basic amenities. Moreover, localities will not be benefited in any case,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Chandigarh Beopar Mandal welcomed the landmark decision. Diwakar Sahooja, spokesperson for the mandal, said, “The decision is likely to usher in a new era of economic growth and convenience for traders and consumers alike. The extended operating hours will offer multiple benefits like increased business opportunities since traders can now cater to a larger customer base, including late-night shoppers and working professionals who find it difficult to shop during regular hours.” He said shoppers would now enjoy greater flexibility, which aligns with modern lifestyles and the growing demand for round-the-clock service. The extended hours are expected to generate more employment opportunities as businesses will require additional staff to manage the extended operations, he added.

With businesses operating 24x7, there might be a significant positive impact on the local economy, including increased sales and enhanced business activity. Besides, Chandigarh can now compete with major metropolitan cities that already operate on a 24x7 basis, making it a more attractive destination for business and tourism.

Meanwhile, the mandal has appealed to the administration to ensure robust measures to maintain law and order. The safety and security of both traders and customers are paramount. It requested the administration to take responsibility for law and order during these extended hours to foster a secure environment conducive to business activities.

Furthermore, the mandal said the implementation of 24x7 operations should always be optional for traders. This flexibility will allow businesses to choose operating hours that suit their capabilities and market demands without being compelled to stay open round-the-clock.

The mandal appealed to the administration to always engage in prior consultations with all stakeholders and the trader body before issuing such notifications. It added that there were many more important pending trader issues which were required to be resolved and implemented urgently. On the other hand, AAP councillor Premlata said the notification was baseless, impractical and detrimental to the interests of traders and local residents. Besides, the people, residents welfare associations and market welfare associations were not consulted before taking this decision.

“There are many shortcomings in this decision. For keeping the market open at night, has the administration made arrangements for the deployment of police in the entire city keeping in mind law and order,” she said.

There is fear of breakdown of the sanitation system in the city due to shortage of staff in the municipal corporation, she said and added that Chandigarh had improved its position from 66 to 11 in the cleanliness drive, but this decision could worsen the situation. “This decision is against the interests of small shopkeepers and it seems to have been done keeping in mind the interests of big malls,” she added.

BJP's media coordinator Sanjeev Rana said, "Though this 24x7 move is not mandatory for traders, I feel the UT Administration should have taken the decision after discussions with the bepoar mandal, councillors and residents."

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