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Detoxify Mega Clean Detox Drink Review

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If you’re thinking of using a detox drink to pass a drug test then Mega Clean detox is a name you’re going to come across very quickly. What I want to do in this fast Mega Clean detox review is give you everything you need to know to decide whether it’s the detox drink you should be using.


Times have moved on with drug testing, and the real question has to be: is Mega Clean detox drink good enough? How potent is it, and how does it stack up alongside other detox drinks?


I’m going to explain how Mega Clean fits into the range of detox products sold by the company Detoxify, and where it fits into the hierarchy of quality amongst detox drinks generally.


Plus, I’m going to give you detailed Mega Clean instructions on exactly how to use it, along with a little tip that can dramatically increase your chances of making Mega Clean work that most reviews simply do not mention.


How A Detox Drink Works In Your Body


Let’s kick things off here by telling you exactly how a detox drink like Mega Clean actually works in the body, and it’s not how most people think.


When people talk about a detox drink, the implication seems to be that when you drink it, it draws toxins out of your body completely and permanently. It’s meant to do this in a couple of hours and miraculously help you to pass a drug test.


All of that is complete crap. A detox drink is a masking agent. How it works is it floods your body with liquid. This floods through your bladder and makes you urinate quicker. That pushes out the toxins in your bladder and urinary tract.


Because of the volume of liquid you have just consumed, the fresh liquid that continues to go into the bladder is toxin free because the bladder is filling up quicker than toxins can be processed by the body. That’s why it only masks the toxins for a few hours. Within a few hours the body processes more toxins and they pass into the bladder with the fresh urine.


But it’s cleverer than that. It contains ingredients that help you to urinate more frequently, and that helps to draw more toxins into your bladder more quickly. So you’ll get more toxins out, meaning you won’t have the mentoring your bladder for longer than naturally.


Also, a good quality detox drink is perfectly balanced to flood your body with nutrients and other things found in urine. Vitamins and minerals, and even high level of creatine which the body converts into the creatinine which is always found in human urine. They work their way through as waste and appear in your urine to make it appear natural.


Detoxify Mega Clean is therefore a masking agent. If you’re lucky, if you follow the instructions for Mega Clean detox I’m going to tell you in a moment, you might get five hours clean enough to pass urine that’s free of drug toxins.


Let’s Clear Up The Confusion About Which Mega Clean To Buy


The company who makes Mega Clean are called Detoxify. There’s a bit of confusion around the products they sell, which I want to clear up now.


Detoxify make quite a large range of about 12 detoxification products. Although they are all different, some being liquid and some tablets, they are all in exactly the same packaging. Only the names are different. For many people that creates confusion.


This is especially the case around the detox drinks they sell. There are actually three: Mega Clean, mighty clean, and Xxtra clean. In addition to that there’s Mega Clean NT. All are very similar.


Let’s quickly talk you through them:


●     Mega Clean is a 32 fluid ounce bottle of detox liquid

●     Mighty Clean is three small bottles of different detoxification liquids

●     Xxtra Clean is a 20 fluid ounce bottle of detox liquid

●     Mega Clean NT is a bottle of Mega Clean bundled with some pre-rid pills


Mega Clean NT isn’t worth the money. The pre-rid pills aren’t worth the extra money paid, and I’m going to tell you about a combo deal which provides the same but in a far more potent way anyway.


Mighty Clean is three separate bottles of detox liquids. You take them one after the other with water. For me they aren’t as potent, it’s more expensive, and you’re drinking it one hell of a lot more water than you are with Mega Clean, which for me is a red flag as it can lead to a diluted sample.



Mega Clean Cleansing Drink Vs Xxtra Clean


So ruling the other detoxify products out, that leaves us with a choice between Mega Clean and Xxtra Clean.


The thing is though, they are both identical in composition! The only difference is that Mega Clean is 32 fluid ounces and not 20 ounces.


So all you’re getting is less liquid in Xxtra Clean. The marketing trick is that it’s aimed at people with light levels of toxins or smaller body sizes.


But really and honestly, how would you know exactly how high your toxin levels were and what you need to get clean? And what’s a small body size?


Put aside all that ludicrous nonsense and just go for the biggest and best product that detoxify sell: Mega Clean.


Mega Clean Instructions


To answer the question around does Mega Clean work, we actually have to give you the full instructions for using it to stand the best chance of it doing just that.


So here are the Mega Clean instructions you need to know:


1.       If you’ve got a couple of days’ notice at least, then make sure you detox for as long as possible. Abstain from taking in drug toxins, exercise, sweat, eat healthily, drink plenty of water and get lots of sleep.


2.       If you buy Mega Clean from Test Clear you will get it bundled with six free Toxin Rid pills. They allow you to do a potent 24-hour detox the day before your drug test. They will sweep away more toxins than your body can naturally, meaning there’s less for the detox drink to mask on the day of your test.


3.       Two hours before your test drink the bottle of Mega Clean in 15 minutes. As soon as you can after this start urinating as frequently as possible. Three times or more is good in the hour after you start drinking it.


4.       Once you’ve finished drinking the bottle of Mega Clean refill the bottle and drink that over another 15 minutes.


5.       Until about 15 minutes before you have to leave continue to try and urinate, as this will push out more drug toxins and mean that you are extending the clean zone window for up to 5 hours.


6.       The top tip is to always use a home drug test kit just before you leave. That way you’ll know if you are genuinely clean to pass a drug test. If you’re not, then you’re probably going to have to resort to using synthetic urine. Make sure you have some plan B ready just in case.


Does Mega Clean Detox Drink Work Well?


The million dollar question is obviously does Mega Clean work? Will it flush out the toxins for long enough you to get to a clinic and submit a clean sample?


Well, the answer is maybe.


Obviously it depends on a lot of factors, especially how many drug toxins in your body and how long between drinking the drink and submitting the sample it is.


If you can do a 24-hour detox, accelerated by the Toxin Rid pills you get bundled in free, and you can submit a sample within three hours of completing the process on the day of your test, I would say you’ve got about 90% chance of passing.


I have a friend who passed using Mega Clean about eight months ago, and two years ago I did as well. I was only a light smoker then and I didn’t get the bundled in stuff, I got it from Walmart. But I passed so it must work.


Recently as part my testing I also tried Mega Clean again with the Toxin Rid and a 24-hour detox. I then did two home drug tests and they both passed. I’m a heavy smoker now, so for me, that was confirmation that Mega Clean really does work.


Click Here To Buy Mega Clean With Free Pre Rid Pills


A Quality Alternatives To Mega Clean


If you can’t get your hands on Mega Clean, or you’re looking for other options, then there are a couple of other good alternatives out there to consider.


It’s not available in shops, it’s only available to buy online.


It’s called Rescue Cleanse, costing around $55. It’s a high-quality detox drink from Clear Choice. These are the guys who make Sub Solution synthetic urine, the best brand there is. You could just buy Rescue Cleanse and Sub Solution together and have plan A and B in place.


Click Here To Purchase Rescue Cleanse 32 Oz


So there you go, two high-quality detox drink you can use. Always try and get Mega Clean with the six free pre-rid pills, and always trying to the 24-hour detox before the day of your test. If you can do all that, then you stand a very good chance of passing a urine sample drug test using Mega Clean cleansing drink.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the above article are independent professional judgment of the experts and The Tribune does not take any responsibility, in any manner whatsoever, for the accuracy of their views. This should not be considered as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician for more details. Mega Clean  shall solely be liable for the correctness, reliability of the content and/or compliance of applicable laws. The above is non-editorial content and The Tribune does not vouch, endorse or guarantee any of the above content, nor is it responsible for them in any manner whatsoever. Please take all steps necessary to ascertain that any information and content provided is correct, updated, and verified.


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