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How Shah delivered on BJP’s core agenda

NEW DELHI:When BJP president and Home Minister Amit Shah today stood up to rewrite history in the Rajya Sabha, he not only delivered on the long-pending core agenda of the saffron party, but also stumped the opposition parties.

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Vibha Sharma

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 5

When BJP president and Home Minister Amit Shah today stood up to rewrite history in the Rajya Sabha, he not only delivered on the long-pending core agenda of the saffron party, but also stumped the opposition parties. Though speculation had been brewing after recent developments in Jammu and Kashmir, Shah’s action took even several party leaders and supporters by surprise. 

Many, including senior BJP leaders, were of the view that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Shah would use the move “as the final salvo closer to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections”. The general opinion was that the government would wait for the Supreme Court verdict where several petitions challenging the constitutional provisions on J&K are pending.

As expected, the abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution made a comeback the 2019 election manifesto. This time, there was an additional mention — of Article 35A. The BJP called “it an obstacle in the development of the state”. This was the first indication of its seriousness on the issue. Later, the Home Minister also hinted at it in his speeches.

“We believe that Article 35A is an obstacle in the development of the state.  We will make all efforts to ensure the safe return of Kashmiri Pandits and we will provide financial assistance for the resettlement of refugees from West Pakistan, Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Chhamb,” the ‘Sankalp Patra’ for the elections read.

Shah’s steps to provide “teeth” to the Bills governing the NIA and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, appear to be the part of the move executed  with utmost secrecy and precision.  

However, sources in the BJP admitted that no one knew the exact configuration of Shah’s methodology till he detailed it on the floor of the House. “We did not know which Bill was going to be introduced. We were told that important legislative business was listed for the day in the Rajya Sabha and that everyone should be present,” a top government functionary said, adding that Shah spoke to NDA allies, seeking support. “Today in the Cabinet all ministers were briefed. He also spoke to NDA leaders separately,” he said. Defending the surprise sprung by Shah, he said it was not the first time a Bill had been introduced, considered and passed the same day. “As many as 33 Bills have been introduced, considered and passed the same day,” he added. 

On why Shah chose a relatively “difficult RS route”, the sources said it was the constitutional requirement. Plus it was done to make a point in the House where the Opposition enjoys better representation.

Utter secrecy

  • Not many knew the exact configuration of Home Minister Amit Shah’s move till he detailed it on the floor of the House
  • Leaders were told that important legislative business was listed for the day in the Rajya Sabha and that everyone should be present
  • In the Cabinet meeting on Monday morning, all ministers were briefed on the move 
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