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‘I crave for ice-creams and dark chocolates’

With a 40-inch chest and biceps that measure 16 inches, fitness clearly appears to be about looks for TV actor Aansh Arora.

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With a 40-inch chest and biceps that measure 16 inches, fitness clearly appears to be about looks for TV actor Aansh Arora. Only it still isn’t. “Being fit and healthy is a mentality, not a look,” shares the actor who has worked in TV shows like Tanhaiyan Kasam Tere Pyaar Ki. Not that it’s been easy or that he comes without his share of temptations. “I am quite religious about my workout routine. To achieve anything, both patience and dedication are important. And to achieve a certain figure, even more so.”  

Here’s what fitness means 

For me fitness means taking control of your body. It’s about owning yourself. It’s about practicing self-control and feeling powerful.

Temptations galore

Being a person with a sensitive and discriminating taste, I do not like to give up on my favourite foods. Which a lot of people think is necessary to achieve six-pack abs. In fact, I have a great liking for sweet foods, including ice-creams and dark chocolates. So instead of cutting down on my cravings, I workout regularly early morning. 

The calorie chart 

Under my trainer’s guidance, my diet plan includes 100gm of meat along with some healthy sources of carbohydrates, such as a cup of rice, spinach, broccoli, and sprouts.  My normal diet plan includes foods such as meatballs, chicken, seven egg whites, yogurt, and brown bread. I believe food apart from being rich in nutrients should not lack in variety or taste. 

Any message for beginners  

Being fit and healthy is a mentality, not a look. The look is a side effect of the way you think. Change your thoughts and you will change your body.

—Manpriya Singh

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